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Child Benefit
All families receive child benefit (Kindergeld), regardless of their income. It is generally paid for all children up to the age of 18. If your child is unemployed, child benefit is paid until they turn 21. If your child is undertaking vocational training, you will receive child benefit until they reach the age of 25.
You must submit your child benefit application in writing. The agency responsible is normally the Federal Employment Agency’s Family Benefits Office (Familienkasse).
The monthly child benefit rate is 255 euros per child. Under certain circumstances, child benefit can also be paid for children who are foreign nationals.
Further detailed information on the individual benefits and assistance available can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the Familienportal. You can also use the online tool provided by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. This allows you to enter a few details and find out which family benefits you may be eligible to receive.